Wednesday, August 22, 2012

06.19.2012 - Finally a chance to breathe...

It feels like the past couple weeks have been just ON THE GO...  This week is no different! Yesterday was aqua cardio (love the little old ladies, they're so cute in their social hour discussing their whiny grandkids and fabulous baked beans recipes) followed by bridal shower gift shopping.  For a shower in 4 days.

Procrastinate much?

But I nailed the gifts, if I do say so myself.  They're all dessert theme - from their cake platter to their 25-piece dessert serving set to a Just Desserts cookbook.  I am the BEST gift buyer, EVAAHHHH!!!
Anywanys - work's all of a sudden CHAOS as well due to a lovely law suit that's required us to now provide copies of everything this company has EVER DONE in the last 7 years.  Guess who gets to organize all THAT.  And the judge seems to not care how long it takes...

Me:  Yea, its gonna take 3 months to pull this together, and that's with someone working on it 40 hours a week, which we can't afford the staff for that right now.

Judge: Yea, that's great.  I still want it in a few weeks.


So long work day today followed by running home to pick up the dog and running back to my in-laws just-purchased house to help paint the last two rooms of four that we've done. (I might as well just surgically attach paintbrushes to my hands at this point...) I leave you with Day #2 of Project 365!

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