Monday, August 27, 2012

07.19.2012 - Battles

Sometimes you just have to pick your battles...

Battle of the Bulge...

Battle of the Bees...

First, Danielle and I never made it to the bridal store for White Dress shopping. (she gets a little anxious when we call it Bridal Gown shopping...)

We were all prepped and ready with a little celebratory champagne when we arrived and found out that the first store closed an hour before we got there - D'OH!
At David's Bridal, Danielle realized an attendant had to help us and she said, "I didn't realize this would be such a big deal, I can't do this yet!" 

Soooo - we just went to dinner and proceeded to drink half their menu.
*Begin Battle of the Bulge*

And I have to admit, I've been slacking on hot yoga lately... why bother when its already 100degrees out?!  One night I figured I'd at least get out walking - only to look out the window and see torrential downpour.

And I was secretly relieved because then I could curl up with my latest Nook novel and a glass of wine and further put off procrastinating on working out..

And speaking nooks (work with me here - I have no better segue!), Eric got stung a few nights ago while mowing the lawn.   We think it was a yellow jacket (vs a regular ole honey bee) because his ankle has swollen to grotesque proportions (he calls it his EleFoot) and there's now a rash that looks like bruising and poison ivy blisters.   (Don't worry - no P365 pictures of this!)   When I saw last night that what looked like bruising had spread down his foot, I put MY foot down (ha - pun intended) and said "You're having a doctor look at that NOW." Off to the ER we went.  I have to say I married a complete clown, and he matches me perfectly.  We passed the time making off-color jokes...
("Why don't you see what kind of candy they have in that candy box on the wall?")

And eavesdropping on the patient across the 4-bed unit we were in.   Oh lawds.  From what I could gather, she was in for some abdominal pain?  Like, period cramping. The doctor was telling her she should go to a gynecologist for further testing - she was all, "where do I find a office thats got one of them?"  And she sat and hollered at nurses to take out her IV - "Hey mami - hey hunnie, come help me wit dis! I been havin' to piss since beFO I got 'dis in!"
You know when you get a picture in your head of who is speaking and then you see the person and you're like, "NO WAY!"   That's what this was like - she was maybe twenty-something, well dressed, looked clean and hygenic... we just kind of laughed as she strolled out of there.  A tetanus shot and Rx for antibiotics later, we finally got back home to the DELICIOUS pad thai that I made FROM SCRATCH that sat on the stove for 2 hours.  (Ok, so it was a sauce packet that I mixed with coconut milk - but otherwise from scratch!)
Still looks good 2 hours later, right??

I'm just glad Eric recognized it -
"The first night in a MONTH that my wife cooks dinner and it's sitting at home while we are in an ER..."

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