Monday, August 27, 2012

07.24.2012 - And we All Float On...

Get this - I've cooked two nights in a row now... You read right. Me. I cooked. Two. Nights. In. A. Row!! (Eric's wondering where his real wife went, and how long her replacement will last...)

So when Eric suggested a movie night, I said - We're going ALL OUT, dinner date too! So hot date set tonight - which is always a **high five** moment when I'm feeling pretty sexy in my work clothes.

So Eric really wants to see The Dark Knight, but I've deferred to Spiderman - out of respect I guess? I've always sat in theaters and watched the PSA's and think, yea right - you want hundreds of panicked movie-goers to "calmly and quickly follow the exit signs in an orderly fashion in event of an emergency" ?!?!? And my weird, OVERactive imagination has created scenarios - and my solutions and/or actions to take - in case of anyone on a rampage where I am - be it work, a grocery store, etc.  (Forget Grey's Anatomy - I watch too much news.)

I can't even begin to imagine the horror of actually going through this - let alone TWICE, as one of the victims from Aurora had: Just a month or two ago, she left a food court in a Canadian shopping mall just a few minutes before a gunman entered and open fired.  I cannot even begin to fathom what would possess a human being to want to inflict this kind of damage.

But in Respect and In Memory of Aurora, Colorado on July 20th, 2012:

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